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All-University Traffic and Transportation Committee (AUTTC)

Committee Meeting

The final meeting of the 2023-2024 academic year took place on April 18th, 2024. The committee will reconvene in the Fall for the 2024-2025 academic year.

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All-University Traffic and Transportation Committee

The All-University Traffic & Transportation Committee, hereinafter referred to as “AUTTC”, is advisory to the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer of the Department of Police and Public Safety on matters pertaining to motorized and non-motorized transportation for the MSU community.

The committee membership includes the following representation: faculty representatives, students residing both on and off campus, graduate students on and off campus, students living in university apartments, collective bargaining groups, Office of Sustainability, MSU Bikes, University Ombudsperson, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (Logistics, Transportation, Planning/Design/Construction), Auxiliary Enterprises, Student Life & Engagement, Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities, Department of Police & Public Safety, and CATA.

Contact AUTTC here

Barney, Daniel – (SSTU) Spartan Skilled Trades Union

*Barton, Sean – (APSA) Administrative Professional Supervisors Association: MSU Union

Davis, Xavier – (Faculty) Committee of Academic Governance

*Ennis, Joshua – (ASMSU) Associated Students of MSU

Groll, Jeff – (IPF) Infrastructure Planning & Facilities: Logistics

Hu, Evan – (RHA) Residence Halls Association

Mandeville, Theron – (FSL) Fraternity & Sorority Life

McKean, Nick – (RHA) Residence Halls Association

Pelon, Lauren – (RHA) Residence Halls Association

Pena, Jacob – (CATA) Capital Area Transportation Authority

Petroff, Joe – (SLE) Student Life Engagement: Health and Safety Coordinator

Potter, Tim – MSU Bikes

Prush, John – (DPPS) Department of Police and Public Safety

Pugh, Brooke – (IPF) Infrastructure Planning & Facilities: Transportation Services

Sewavi, Brenda – (FSL) Fraternity & Sorority Life

Sharp, Andrew – (COGS) Council of Graduate Students

Smith, Ryan – Ombudsperson designee

Swerhone, Lynne – (RCPD) Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities

Troost, Steven – (IPF) Infrastructure Planning and Facilities: Planning/Design

Webster, Brandon – (COGS) Council of Graduate Students

Webster, Suchitra – (SLE) Student Life Engagement: Student/Community Relations

Young, Laura Campus Sustainability


*Co-Chairs Last updated: November 2023

AUTTC Bylaws

Operating Procedures

1. Responsibilities

The All University Traffic and Transportation Committee (“AUTTC”) is an advisory group to the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety on matters pertaining to motorized and non-motorized transportation for the MSU community.

2. Meetings

The AUTTC will meet monthly during the academic year (September through April). Meeting dates, times and locations will be communicated to the campus community one week in advance of the meeting. Regular monthly meetings of the AUTTC are open to the public.

3. Membership

Representatives to the AUTTC should be appointed by their respective organizations prior to the start of their terms which begin on August 1. Representatives may be appointed to succeed themselves. All incoming representatives are invited and encouraged to attend the final meeting of the academic year in April to familiarize themselves with the AUTTC and its operations.

  1. Membership shall be as follows:
    1. Three faculty representatives, recommended by the Committee on Academic Governance.
    2. Four students recommended by the Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU), two residing on campus and two residing off campus.
    3. Five residence hall students, recommended by the Residence Halls Association (RHA), one from each of the five residence hall neighborhoods.
    4. Two graduate students, recommended by the Council of Graduate Students (COGS), one from on campus and one from off campus.
    5. One University Apartment resident-recommended by the University Apartments Council of Residents (UACOR).
    6. Two students recommended by the governing councils of the MSU Greek system (FSL).
    7. Three union representatives – one representing the Administrative Professional Association (APA) and the Administrative Professional Supervisors Association (APSA), one representing the Clerical-Technical Union (CTU), and one representing the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 1585, AFSCME 999, and 547 Operating Engineers.
    8. One representative from the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities.
    9. One representative from the Office of Campus Sustainability.
    10. One representative from Campus Planning and Administration.
    11. One representative from Infrastructure Planning & Facilities.
    12. One representative from Auxiliary Enterprises.
    13. One representative from the Office of Student Affairs and Services.
    14. One representative from the University mass transit service provider.
    15. One representative from the MSU Bike Service Center.
    16. One representative from the MSU Police Department.
    17. The University Ombudsperson (or designee) who serves as a non-voting advisor and resource person to the AUTTC.
  2. The Vice President and Chief Safety Officer will recommend an individual to serve as Executive Secretary. This person will not vote, and will assume the following responsibilities:
    1. Record and publish the agenda and minutes and maintain the permanent records of the AUTTC.
    2. Draft and publish correspondence to individuals and the community in the name of the AUTTC.
    3. Publicize the date, time, and location of AUTTC meetings.
    4. Perform other duties as directed by the VP/Chief Safety Officer (or designee) or the AUTTC chair.
  3. All other members will have an equal vote. One more than 50% of the total currently appointed voting membership must be present to constitute a quorum and conduct business.
  4. The AUTTC chair will solicit student nominations and appointments from ASMSU, RHA, COGS, FSL, and UACOR. Student representatives shall serve one year.
  5. Faculty representatives shall serve for three years, with a new representative being appointed annually, and all terms expiring sequentially. The University Council for Academic Governance will recommend two representatives for each vacancy and the selection shall be made by the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety.
  6. The AUTTC chair for each succeeding year will be elected at the last meeting of each academic year. All members are eligible to serve as chair except for the representatives from the MSU Police Department, the Office of the Ombudsperson, Campus Planning and Administration, and the mass transit service provider.
  7. The Vice President and Chief Safety Officer and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety will approve all recommendations for appointment.

Substitute representation: When absent, a representative may appoint another individual to represent their constituency at scheduled meetings. Requests for substitute representation will be submitted in writing to the AUTTC Executive Secretary prior to the scheduled meeting.

  • Substitute representatives will have voice privilege on all issues before the AUTTC.
  • Substitute representatives may not serve as subcommittee members.
  • Substitute representatives will possess voting privilege.

4. Subcommittees

Subcommittees will be formed at the discretion of the chair.

  1. The chair appoints subcommittee chairs. The chair communicates to each subcommittee chair the charge for the subcommittee and expected format for reporting recommendations.
  2. The chair appoints subcommittee members in consultation with the subcommittee chair(s). Subcommittees should have broad representation from faculty/staff and student voting members. Members will serve on the subcommittee for the full academic year, unless otherwise noted.
  3. Preliminary subcommittee reports will be given at the monthly meeting in January.

5. Public Feedback

The AUTTC will actively seek community input on subcommittee recommendations and AUTTC action items prior to a final presentation of recommendations to the Vice President and Chief Safety Officer and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety.

6. Final Recommendations

  1. All subcommittee reports will be presented, in final form, to the full AUTTC at the last meeting of the academic year (April). The AUTTC will vote on all recommendations at the April meeting.
  2. The past chair and succeeding chair will meet with the Vice President and Director of the Department of Police and Public Safety (or designee), and the Director of Campus Planning and Administration to review the final committee recommendations and identify areas of need before the start of the upcoming academic year.

Q: When does AUTTC meet?

A: The committee generally meets on the third Thursday of each month during the fall and spring semesters. Meetings start at 3pm and are conducted virtually on Microsoft Teams. Details can be found at the top of this page.


Q: What’s the best way to correspond with the committee?

A: Each major group on campus has a representative, we recommend viewing our current member list and making contact. Alternatively, questions, concerns and suggestions can be submitted to the general committee email found on this page. Our monthly committee meetings have designated time on the agenda to discuss any correspondence from the public.


Q: Are meetings open to the public?

A: Yes. AUTTC is a standing university committee created by the Board of Trustees action, all meetings of the full committee are open to the public.


Q: How much power does AUTTC have?

A: This committee is advisory to the Vice President and Chief Safety Office for the Department of Police and Public Safety on matters pertaining to motorized and non-motorized transportation for the MSU community. However, AUTTC is used as a sounding board for issues and a conduit for ideas.