Violation Appeals

Appeals must be submitted online or in writing and mailed to MSU Parking Services at 1120 Red Cedar Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824. Appeals are only considered PRIOR to violation payment.

Violation price will freeze at the current amount owed when an appeal is submitted and remain frozen until a decision is finalized. Appeal decision responses take roughly 7-12 business days; the decision notice will be sent using the email selected during submission. To view the status of an appeal submitted online, you must log into the portal before searching the violation number.

Please call Parking Services at 517-355-8440 with any questions about the appeal process.

Invalid Appeals

The following are generally not considered valid reasons for appealing a parking violation: 

  • I only parked in that space for a few minutes.
  • I'm not familiar with parking regulations.
  • I didn't have change, was going to get change, or didn't have my physical card to submit payment.
  • I didn't intend to park illegally.
  • There aren't enough legal/convenient parking spaces.
  • No one else received a ticket.
  • I have never received a ticket before in the area.
  • The fine is too much or inability to pay the violation fines.
  • Parked in the following locations: Fire Lane, Fire Hydrant.
  • Parking in a disability space without a valid plate or placard.
  • Inclement weather.
  • Tardiness to class, meetings, work or other appointments.
  • Someone other than a Parking Office employee provided parking instructions.
  • Operation of the vehicle by another person.
  • Failure to observe posted signage.

Appeal Portal