Alternative Transportation

Michigan State University offers a variety of alternative transportation. Our most basic includes the walking paths, bike trails and bike lanes. We've also partnered with companies like CATA, SPIN, ChargePoint, and Zipcar to facilitate not only ease of travel but offer greener solutions to get around campus. Check out our featured options below.

People getting onto the bus

On Campus Bussing

Capital Area Transportation Authority's (CATA) bus routes numbered 30-39 on campus can be used for free. Specific route information can be found on CATA's website.

For off campus routes or late night services, students can purchase bus passes at the MSU ID Office.

CATA Bus Information
Device connected to an electric vehicle while charging

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

Vehicles parked in EV parking spaces must be actively charging to be eligible to park. If not charging, or not an electric vehicle, a violation will be issued by MSU. Individuals parked in EV charging spaces have 30 minutes to move their vehicle once fully charged; after which a per hour fee will be assessed by the vendor app. Charging stations are offered in lots: 39, 40, 62, 79, 112, Wharton Ramp 3/Lot 19, Trowbridge Ramp 5/Lot 102.

When parked at a charging station, overall lot restrictions still apply, meaning payment or a valid permit are still required (please see lot entry signage for requirements). For more information about charging please visit:

Two students on SPIN scooters riding around campus

Electric Mobility Devices

The term "electric mobility device" refers to electric bicycles, electric scooters, and electric skateboards. These devices are approved to be used on roadways and designated bike lanes on campus. These devices are not authorized on pedestrian walkways and sidewalks. Check out MSU campus ordinance 33.00 Mobility Devices - Traffic for more details.

Personal electric bikes or scooters can be registered to park on campus through MSU Bike Index. SPIN electric scooters are also offered seasonally on campus, providing a pay per ride option for user. Details can be found here. 

MSU Ordinance
Zipcar logo on the side of a vehicle


Zipcar offers short-term car rentals with easily accessible campus pickup locations. With a valid driver’s license, anyone 18 and older is eligible to rent. They offer discounted memberships to MSU students, staff and alumni. Visit their site for more details:

Side of the MSU autonomous bus

MSU Autonomous Bus

The electric autonomous bus operates between the MSU Auditorium and the MSU Commuter lot 89. For more details click below.

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