General Information

  • Any complimentary parking for the academic year can be viewed here

The Visitor Center located on Trowbridge Road is open Monday-Friday, from 7:30am-4pm excluding university holidays. The drive-thru window can be accessed while driving eastbound on Trowbridge Road (toward Red Cedar Road); the parking spaces adjacent to the Visitor Center can be accessed while driving westbound on Trowbridge (toward Harrison Road). View the map below for location details.

Map of the southwest portion of campus, highlighting the location of the Visitor Center

  • If you are having any trouble accessing the online permit portal, please contact Parking Services during our business hours so we can investigate the problem. Please have your MSU identification number (student or employee) and MSU NetID information when calling.
  • Decisions on parking accommodation requests will be sent via email, to whatever email address was provided on the form. Additionally, you may call Parking Services to inquire about your application.
  • Online appeal: appeal decisions are sent via email, to whatever email was used for submission.
  • Written appeal: appeal decisions are sent via mail, to whatever return address was provided.

Check out additional appeal information here.

Parking Services does not use temporary plate information for permits. Our department requires the VIN be used. 

  • If purchasing a new permit online, please enter the last eight (8) characters (numbers and letters) of the VIN in the "license plate" field. You will then select VN – NO PLATE in the "plate state" field. Parking Services must then be contacted with the complete VIN.
    Call Parking Services prior to purchasing and we will add the VIN to your profile. By doing this before ordering, the VIN will display as an option to select when you go to complete the transaction.
  • If needing to update information on a current permit, please contact Parking Services via phone with the VIN.


Once a metal plate is displayed on the vehicle, that information must be updated with Parking Services and the permit privileges.

Current Permit Information

  • Any license plate changes must be updated with Parking Services. To have valid parking, vehicle and plate information must be accurately connected to your permit and its privileges.

Check the permit page associated with your permit type for details on updating license plate information. Please contact Parking Services with further questions.

  • Repositionable Permit: The decal permit should be moved to the different vehicle, then the vehicle/plate information must be added to your permit privileges. This can be done online through the portal or by calling Parking Services. 
  • Printed Permit: Parking Services must be called to obtain a loaner. You will need the different vehicle/plate information while on the phone with us. 
  • Virtual Permit: Parking Services should be called to add the different vehicle/plate information to your permit privileges.
  • If you have a permit that grants access to a gated lot(s) and it is not working, please contact Parking Services so we can investigate the problem. You will need to have your MSU ID available for reference while speaking with our department.
  • Repositionable Permit: The decal permit should be retained and the new vehicle/plate information added to your permit privileges. Any vehicle/plate information no longer in use should then be removed. This can be completed online through the portal, or by contacting Parking Services.
  • Printed Permit: Remove the parking sticker and retain the pass, then call Parking Services to get a replacement permit. We will request photos of the original permit (whole and cut into pieces) be emailed. You will need the new vehicle/plate information while on the phone with us. This replacement process can also be done in person at the office.
  • Virtual Permit: Parking Services should be called to add any new vehicle/plate information to your permit privileges and remove vehicle/plate information no longer in use.
  • Repositionable permit: The parking sticker should be removed from the windshield prior to the repair and then repositioned once the repair is finalized.
  • Printed permit: The parking sticker should be removed from the windshield prior to the repair. If the printed permit came off in one piece and is still sticky, it can be placed back on the windshield once the repair is finalized. If the permit is damaged upon removal, contact Parking Services for a replacement.
  • If a permit was paid for in-full, a pro-rated refund may be issued based on when a permit is returned.
  • Payroll deduction is stopped based on the date a permit is returned.

Permits can be returned online here, via the drop box in our lobby, or in the mail. Contact Parking Services via phone for details regarding your specific permit.

  • Loaner permits are issued in situations where a current permit was not/could not be moved to a vehicle that is temporarily being used. Only one (1) complimentary loaner is issued per semester. Please contact Parking Services during business hours for more information.
  • Parking Services must be contacted via phone and notified that the permit is lost. A short-term loaner permit will be issued and additional steps to request an official replacement permit will be given at that time.