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Lot 89 permits are currently only being offered to commuter students.

Student Permits for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Purchasing Permits

Whether residing on or off campus, students must register their vehicle with Parking Services if operating on campus. If living on campus, you must have 28 credits finalized with MSU to be automatically eligible to purchase a permit. Unless virtual, permits must be properly affixed to the lower left, driver's side, of the windshield. Those parked without proper permits displayed are eligible for violations. Permits can be purchased in the permit portal. View permit details by scrolling further down on this page.

Permit Portal

Permit Return

If you no longer need your current student permit, it should be returned to Parking Services. If eligible for a pro-rated refund, one will be issued based on refund rates at the time of return. Select the button below for next steps and additional information.

Learn More

Student permits are NOT valid at individual meters, pay-by-plate lots, university vehicle spaces, loading zones, leased spaces, visitor/patient spaces, or employee areas. Vehicles must be parked in designated parking spaces within the permitted lot to have valid parking. Permits are not valid during special events. Download the student parking and driving regulations document for more information: Student Parking-Driving Regulations


PERMIT WAITLISTS: If the permit you wanted to purchase is currently sold out, we recommend registering on the designated waitlist. If a permit becomes available and you're next on the list, you will be notified of your eligibility. You are able to sign up for multiple waitlists (example: residents in Brody could sign up for the lot 65 and lot 15 waitlists). All eligible waitlists can be found online through the permit portal.

Available to purchase online ONLY starting July 15, 2024 (effective August 1, 2024):

For residents of Spartan Village – valid through 6/30/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in Spartan Village and lot 89.

For residents of University Village (UV) – valid through 5/31/25. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid at UV, with overflow parking offered in lot 109 and lot 89. This permit is NOT valid at 1855 Place or in lot 15.

A color-coded map of the area can be viewed by clicking here.

For residents of 1855 Place: Family Housing (buildings 1808, 1809, 1810) - valid through 6/30/25. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid at University Village (UV), with overflow parking offered in lot 109 and lot 89. This permit is NOT valid in front of 1855 Place (buildings 1801-1807) or in lot 15.

A color-coded map of the area can be viewed by clicking here.

For residents of 1855 Place – valid through 5/31/25. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid at 1855 Place single housing (buildings 1801-1807), with overflow parking offered in lot 15 and lot 89. This permit is NOT valid in University Village (UV) or in lot 109.

A color-coded map of the area can be viewed by clicking here.

Available to purchase online ONLY starting July 17, 2024 (effective August 20, 2024):

All are eligible to purchase - valid through 6/30/25. Moped permits grant parking in designated moped spaces.

Valid in lots 100 and 89. Permit is valid through 5/4/25. The permit is repositionable; you may register two vehicles but only one may park on campus at a time. The vehicle must be registered to the permit with MSU Parking and the permit affixed to the lower left, driver’s side of the windshield of the vehicle parked on campus.

Valid in lots 100 and 89. Permit is valid through 5/4/25. The permit is repositionable; you may register two vehicles but only one may park on campus at a time. The vehicle must be registered to the permit with MSU Parking and the permit affixed to the lower left, driver’s side of the windshield of the vehicle parked on campus.

Must be graduate level or higher to purchase. The permit is repositionable; you may register two vehicles but only one may park on campus at a time. The vehicle must be registered to the permit with MSU Parking and the permit affixed to the lower left, driver’s side of the windshield of the vehicle parked on campus.

  • Year 1 & 2 – valid in lots 92, 97 and 89. Permit valid through 5/4/25.

  • Year 3 & 4 – valid in Wharton Ramp/Lot 19 and lot 89. Permit valid through 5/4/25.

Available to purchase online ONLY starting July 22, 2024 (effective August 20, 2024):

For residents of VanHoosen – valid through 5/4/25. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in lot 24, in the upper levels of Lot 51/Shaw Ramp and lot 89.

For residents of Owen and VanHoosenvalid through 5/4/25. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in lot 25, in the upper levels of Lot 51/Shaw Ramp, and lot 89.

Available to purchase online ONLY starting July 24, 2024 (effective August 20, 2024):

For dorm residents of Armstrong, Bailey, Bryan, Butterfield, Campbell, Emmons, Gilchrist, Landon, Mary Mayo, Rather, Williams, Yakeley, and those living in apartments at University Village and 1855 Place (single and family housing)  – valid through 5/4/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in lot 15 and lot 89.

For residents of Armstrong, Bailey, Bryan, Butterfield, Emmons, and Rather – valid through 5/4/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in lot 65 and lot 89. The permit is NOT valid in the employee-only sections of the Brody Complex.

For residents of Case, Holden, Wilson, and Wonders – valid through 5/4/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time. The permit is virtual and valid in lot 83 and lot 89. Vehicle and plate information must still be accurately maintained with MSU Parking to have parking privileges.

For any students living off-campus or students living on-campus with 28 or more credits - valid through 5/4/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is virtual and valid ONLY in lot 89. Vehicle and plate information must still be accurately maintained with MSU Parking to have parking privileges.

For residents of Abbot, Akers, Holmes, Hubbard, Mason, McDonel, Owen, Phillips, Shaw, Snyder, and VanHoosen – valid through 5/4/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time. The permit is virtual and valid in lot 91 and lot 89. Vehicle and plate information must still be accurately maintained with MSU Parking to have parking privileges.

For residents in Campbell, Gilchrist, Landon, Mayo, Williams, and Yakeley - valid through 5/4/2025.Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in lot 66/Kellogg Ramp and lot 89.

For residents in Campbell, Gilchrist, Landon, Mayo, Williams, and Yakeley - valid through 5/4/2025. Only one vehicle may be registered at a time; the permit is valid in lot 103/Grand River Ramp and lot 89.

Waitlist signup available online ONLY starting July 24, 2024 (permits will not be issued until October 2024):

As of 7/24/24 a waitlist will become available through the permit portal to request a lot 89 permit. To be considered for this permit you must be signed up on the waitlist; the list is a first-come, first-served system. A limited number of lot 89 permits will be eligible for first-year students living on campus (with less than 28 credits). If granted a permit, you will be notified in October 2024 via email. The permit is virtual and valid only in lot 89 through 5/4/25. Vehicle and plate information must be accurately maintained with MSU Parking to have parking privileges.

Other Permits:

Spring 2025 semester graduate assistant (GA) permits will be available for purchase online ONLY starting 12/16/2024 (effective 1/1/2025). The permit is valid through 5/15/2025 and can be purchased using payroll deduction (for a limited time) or paying in-full at the time of sale. 


Graduate assistant (GA) permits are sold one semester at a time and are repositionable decal permits. You may register two vehicles but only one may park on campus at a time. The vehicle(s) must be registered to the permit with MSU Parking and the permit affixed to the lower left (driver’s side) of the windshield of the vehicle parked on campus. Permits are not valid for special events. You must be a graduate student with an assistantship for the current semester and be enrolled for classes, to be sold a graduate assistant parking permit.

GA parking permits grant parking in employee spaces south of the Red Cedar River. GA permits do NOT allow parking north of the Red Cedar River. This permit is not valid in pay-only lots or meters. Your MSU ID will grant access to gated lots; please contact Parking Services if your ID card is not working.

Graduate students residing in 1855, University Village, or Family Housing who would like to park within the apartment parking lots will need to purchase the apartment permit (cost of $236). After adding the apartment permit to your cart, you will then be offered the GA permit for an additional fee of $63 for a total cost of $299. When purchased in combination, the GA permit will be virtual and valid for the same time period as your apartment permit. This GA permit will allow a single vehicle to be connected at a time; changes can be made any time prior to the expiration date by contacting Parking Services. Graduate students who purchase the housing permit along with their GA permit will have the option to payroll-deduct both permits. The total amount for the grouping of permits ($299) will be deducted in a single deduction.

Spring 2025 fellowship recipients will be eligible to purchase GA permits online starting 12/16/2024. Please contact Parking Services on or after this date if unable to obtain your permit online. 

Those who receive an MSU Fellowship of $1,000 or more per semester qualify for a graduate assistant (GA) parking permit. Qualifying fellowship recipients may order their permit online any time after GA permits become available for the semester. This permit must be paid for in-full at the time of purchase. Please see the GA tab for additional details.

Motorcycles must be registered over the phone with Parking Services. Motorcycles (over 100CC) are not allowed to park in moped parking spaces, they must park in a regular vehicle space.

Vehicle and Plate Changes

Decal Permits: All student decal permits are repositionable! You must call Parking Services to make changes to the vehicle or license plate connected to your permit. ONLY ONE VEHICLE CAN BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMIT AND ITS PRIVILEGES AT A TIME UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE IN THE DESIGNATED SECTION ABOVE. If a windshield is replaced, keep the repositionable permit and place it on the new windshield. If your vehicle is in the shop, you must move your permit to the loaner vehicle and call Parking Services with the license plate, make, style, year, and color of the loaner vehicle in order to park on campus. If your permit is not moved over from your primary vehicle, please contact us for next steps. IN ADDITION TO HAVING THE PHYSICAL DECAL PERMIT DISPLAYED, VEHICLE/PLATE INFORMATION MUST MATCH WHAT IS LISTED ON FILE WITH THE PERMIT TO GRANT PARKING PRIVILEGES.

Printed Permits: If permanently switching to a new vehicle or license plate, a new permit will most likely be needed (as information is listed on the permit); retain the permit and call Parking Services for next steps. If your vehicle is being repaired, contact Parking Services to inquire about a loaner permit. When contacting us to update/change information, please have the license plate, make, style, year, and color of the vehicle. IN ADDITION TO HAVING THE PERMIT DISPLAYED, VEHICLE/PLATE INFORMATION MUST MATCH WHAT IS LISTED ON FILE WITH THE PERMIT TO GRANT PARKING PRIVILEGES.

Virtual Permits: You must call Parking Services to make changes to the vehicle or license plate connected to your permit privileges. Only one vehicle can be connected for parking privileges at a time. VEHICLE/PLATE INFORMATION MUST MATCH WHAT IS LISTED ON FILE WITH THE PERMIT TO GRANT PARKING PRIVILEGES.