Any complimentary parking being offered during the 2024-2025 academic year is listed below. Dates and applicable areas will be specified. Outside of the time frames listed, all lots are fully enforced per existing posted regulations and times. Lots are signed at the entrance(s) with overall requirements and restrictions; any internal lot signs are requirements in addition to those posted at entry.
Leased spaces, university vehicle spaces, and disability spaces should not be parked in even on university holidays unless you meet the space requirements. Special events may impact entry and fees for certain lots. Information listed is subject to change, please contact Parking Services at 517-355-8440 with any questions.
Academic Calendar
Campus Map
August 2024:
- 8/16/24 through 8/25/24 - Break between summer and fall semesters; complimentary meters and pay-by-plate parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply. Permit and patient areas are still enforced.
- Lots 15, 83, & 91 are complimentary for the summer through 8/25/24.
- Lot 89 is complimentary for the summer through 9/8/24.
September 2024:
- 9/2/24 - University holiday; campus has complimentary parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply.
- Lot 89 is complimentary through 9/8/24
October 2024:
- 10/21/24 & 10/22/24 - Fall break; complimentary meters and pay-by-plate parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply. Permit and patient areas are still enforced.
November 2024:
- 11/28/24 & 11/29/24 - University holiday; campus has complimentary parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply.
December 2024 / January 2025:
- 12/16/24 through 1/12/25 - Break between fall and spring semesters; complimentary meters and pay-by-plate parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply. Permit and patient areas are still enforced.
- 12/24/24 through 1/1/25 - University holiday; campus has complimentary parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply.
January 2025:
- 1/20/25 - University holiday; campus has complimentary parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply
March 2025:
- 3/1/25 through 3/9/25 - Spring break; complimentary meters and pay-by-plate parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply. Permit and patient areas are still enforced.
May 2025:
- 5/5/25 through 5/11/25 - Break between spring and summer semesters; complimentary meters and pay-by-plate parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply. Permit and patient areas are still enforced.
- 5/5/25 through 8/24/25 - Lots 15, 83, & 91 are complimentary for summer.
- 5/5/25 through 9/7/25 - Lot 89 is complimentary for summer.
- 5/26/25 - University holiday; campus has complimentary parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply.
June 2025:
- Lots 15, 83, & 91 are complimentary for the summer through 8/24/25.
- Lot 89 is complimentary for the summer through 9/7/25.
July 2025:
- 7/4/25 - University holiday; campus has complimentary parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply.
- Lots 15, 83, & 91 are complimentary for the summer through 8/24/25.
- Lot 89 is complimentary for the summer through 9/7/25.
August 2025:
- 8/16/25 through 8/24/25 - Break between summer and fall semesters; complimentary meters and pay-by-plate parking. Any overnight restrictions still apply. Permit and patient areas are still enforced.
- Lots 15, 83, & 91 are complimentary for the summer through 8/24/25.
- Lot 89 is complimentary for the summer through 9/7/25.